For the pastry
400g flour
75g semolina
150g margarine
100g sugar
For filling
400g treacle
400g sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 tablespoon semolina
2 tablespoons anisette
rind of an orange
rind of a lemon
a pinch of ground cloves
1/2 teaspoonful mixed spices
250 ml water
Place flour and semolina into a bowl . Rub in margarine . Mix in sugar and finally add enough water to form a smooth and manageable pastry
Mix all the ingredients except the semolina into a saucepan and gently bring to the boil . Add the semolina stirring all the time . Simmer until mixture thickness . Remove from heat and cool . Roll out pastry into long strips of 8cm wide and 30cm long . Place filling into middle of each strip . Roll pastry over the filling and join each end of the roll to form a ring . At intervals of 6cm cut small slits in the pastry . Put rings on a floured baking dish and bake in hot oven until golden brown .
what temperature do you mean by hot oven. i sm new to this recipe so i appreciate it if you can specify if it is 350F or more. thank you